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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything that was not clear until now...

We have put together the most frequent questions and doubts that you contact us with.

If you don't find the answer to what you're interested in here, don't hesitate to contact us via e-mail or Instagram :)


How is the lesson going?

Each lesson lasts 60 minutes. After the welcome and basic instructions from the lecturer, 45 minutes of yoga/stretching follows.
The last 15 minutes are devoted only to cuddling, photos and possible questions about the breeder who is present at the lessons.


What should I bring with me?

You just need to bring sports clothes and a good mood! At the lessons, we lend yoga mats to everyone, which we clean with a special disinfectant for animals. And nothing else is needed for the lesson.


Can I bring my pet to the lesson?

Please leave your pets at home. We always have one litter of puppies per lesson, and for hygiene and safety reasons, we do not want to put together several different puppies/kittens.


Can children also attend the lessons?

Děti k nám mohou v doprovodu rodiče od 6 let. Důvod omezení věku souvisí i s přístupem ke zvířatům. Od šesti let je dítě schopné více vnímat chování zvířat. Chceme tím tak zamezit jakýmkoli možným nepříjemnostem či zranění ať už dítěte nebo mazlíčků na lekci. Respektujte prosím toto pravidlo a mladší děti k nám na lekci neberte. Děkujeme za pochopení 🙂


Can you also book a private lesson?

Samozřejmě! Moc rádi vám soukromou lekci naplánujeme. Už u nás proběhlo několik teambuildingových lekcí, ale i oslavy narozenin a nerbáníme se ani rozlučkám se svobodou (v poklidné atmosféře) v obklopení štěňátek. Stačí rezervovat na webu soukromou lekci a domluvíme s vámi detaily. Lekce je maximálně pro 15 lidí a může probíhat u nás v prostoru na Senovážném náměstí, nebo po dohodě i u vás, pokud máte nějaký vhodný prostor, kde mohou zvířata.


How to book a lesson?

Lessons are booked on our website. Just choose which of the available lessons you want to attend, select the number of seats and make a reservation.


Where are the puppies/kittens in the lessons from?

Pets come to us from verified breeders from registered kennels. For puppies/kittens, our lessons are a fun way to socialize before they go to their new owners.


Do I have to be good at yoga to take the class?

The lessons are designed so that everyone can master them. The lecturer tries to show a simpler alternative in the exercises. If you find something uncomfortable during the lesson, or if you would not be able to get into one of the positions, it is certainly not a problem. Sometimes it also happens that a puppy runs up to you and interrupts your exercise by demanding attention. In that case, you can cuddle.


Why don't you have puppies from shelters?

Štěňátka na lekce domlouváme z chovatelských stanic. V minulosti jsme se pokoušeli domluvit štěňátka z útulku, ale byli jsme informováni, že mladí pejsci jsou z útulku hned pryč a je o ně velký zájem, tudíž by nedávalo smysl vozit je na lekci. Starší pejsci z útulků zas často nemohou být ve větším počtu pohromadě.


Can I participate if I'm pregnant?

Pregnant women can also take the lessons, but we always recommend a consultation with a doctor and your own judgment if you will feel comfortable during the lesson.


What language are your lessons in?

Our lessons are held in both Czech and English. You can find out in which language the given lesson is taking place in the list of current lessons - for a specific term it will be either CZ or ENG.


It is possible to return the ticket if I cannot attend the lesson

Cancellation of the reservation with the possibility of a refund is possible at least 48 hours before the lesson. If the lesson is canceled later, it is forfeited without the possibility of a refund. We also offer the option of a substitute, i.e. if you can't come, but you can find a friend/colleague who will enjoy the puppies for you, write to us with this change and report the name of the substitute, then we will take it into account.

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